re: answer

This is the answer for the previous post  ( Answer  ) 

What ever it is, it was a one sided thing. 
I was too stupid to realize it from beginning

dont worry, 
I'll be ok
I might got confuse just like you said 

knowing that you are a great friend 
I'll keep our friendship until forever :) 

Thank you buddy for being there when i wasn't myself 
Thank you for patting my head whenever i feel sad 
Thank you for making me feel OK whenever im not OK 
Thank you for letting me to be part of your life 

Hoping you'll find the one and will never forget me 

Worry not, 
I'll move on... 
but im still your friend as long as you want me to.....

take care for now , JonSnow 

Just me 
Shakira Sulong 


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