farewell 2016 ...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم

Year end always mean new beginning for me.
I used to celebrate New Year as a beginning of my love story. A story I thought will last forever. 
until someone decided to take everything away from me.
I never thought that I'll be "kicked out" from my so called "comfort zone" that took me years to built. I was heart broken and become resentful 

However, Allah indeed a great planner :) 

2015 was the year that my life take turn to a completely different direction.
I hurt many hearts in searching the one who can heal my heart. I know I was selfish, I was a fool but I just want to trust someone again. I dont want to live in fear that one day people will cheat on me again and leave me helpless in the dark 

When I almost giving up, I met you 
I remember telling myself on the first time we met 
"Hes too nice for someone sinful & broken like me, perhaps this is the first and the last time we'll see each other Mr Ahmad" 
However, Allah has a different plan for me. A plan that make Mr Ahmad become the reason I want to be a better person.
Even better, this nice guy now is my husband & soon to be Daddy to our little Jr  :)

2016, after a year being a wife to Mr Ahmad ( well, he prefer people call him Fadd - glemer sikit katanye... huhuh) I feel that he is the one. 
He is the one that stand infront of me during prayer. He is the one who always remind me to wear decently. He is the one who always makes me laugh and crying at the same time. He is the one who always finish my cooking (sedap or tak sedap). He is the one who always told me to be strong whenever I feel weak. He is the one I really want to spend my entire life with (in dunia till Jannah) 

Today, as 2017 approaching 
I realize that all the tears i shed years ago indeed make me a better person today. I dont have any regrets making those decisions in the past, instead im glad Ive made it. 
No matter how many new years in the future, I believe when I look back I'll see how much Ive grown.
I pray to Allah that Im always istiqmah in becoming a better me. 

Till then. 

*Shakira Sulong* 


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