Life is fragile

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم

Hello readers, its been awhile since my last post.

Well, there is something happened that really struck me & I decided to share with you guys. Early this morning I received a sad news that Kak Nora ( My ex-colleague in Hexamine) has passed away after weeks of "battling with infections".

What really struck me was she was fine before until one day she was admitted to Sungai Buluh Hospital due to some pulmonary infections & her condition degrading down fall after that.
Doctor did everything to keep the infection at bay, unfortunately her condition getting worst day by day & the infection spread to other parts and shut down her organs one by one

Around the world people losing their loved ones due to war, disease , accidents etc etc
We can never know what will happen in the next 60secs.

Approaching to the "full term" of my pregnancy, makes me feel anxiety about everything around me. I started to think what if...
I know the " what if ... " question will not benefit me at this moment, but i guess being scared will make me value people around me. I see things differently now. I see how fragile life can be. I dont know if im ready to leave this world or seeing people i love leaving me.

Not saying that we are hopeless, but yeah... we can only pray that all of us will have a "good ending", InsyaAllah.

Kak Nora has put up a great fight. Shes fighting to stay afloat for her husband, for her kids. However, Allah loves her more. She didnt lose the battle, but she is now resting to meet her creator.
I pray to Allah to accept all of her deeds and may Allah place her with the righteous. Aminn

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون 

*shakira Sulong*


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