comeback !

Hello 2016 !!

I know , I know im 2 months late... hahaha
Soooooo many things happened since my last post about LGBT  .... That was July 2015 and today is almost end of Feb 2016.

Well, the most obvious thing happened was IM MARRIED to a total stranger. Alhamdulillah ( Praise to Allah) who arrange our meeting until our somenization & InsyaAllah this LOVE will stay forever till Jannah... Aminnn

Dont worry, I'll write up little bit bout Fadd in separate post.

Well, the boulder rolling fast since i met Fadd  ('-__-) ... really really fast. Here the "trajectory" of what happened in 5 months - ( justification to my MIA )

~ KAWIN ~ 

After some discussion between our family, we decided to get married.
sound simple je kan. 
can you imagine to do all the preparation within a month 
from Zero to a wedding only in a month. 
The best part was, Fadd is outstation to a place where internet connection is macam haram 
Im lucky to have a crazy Sis In Law ( dila) who helped me a looot for the preparations. 
She helped me mentally & physically *lol* 
banyak la adegan " benci! kalu camni baik tak yah kawin" 
tapi sekarang "sayang i lap uu, sajeee"  ... hahaha 
Alhamdulillah even banyak hicups, the majlis went well. 
The Reception was simple and we were surrounded with family & close friends  
yang penting, iols pakai gown elsa with turquoise green heels ( even fadd hate the color) 
There are things Fadd cant change me ... yet *lol* 



Yes, I have been living like a nomad for the past few year. Never had a permanent address *lol* 
Considering Dila will be staying with us ( easier for both of us to go to work) , we choose Ara Damansara. Pretty nice place to start a family :) 
End of the day, tak dapek pun nak fill in rumah tu dengan furniture & other stuff
boxes pun ada lagi yang tak bukak 



Well, nothing much bout the job changes. New role, new environment, new colleagues, new rules, new clients, new opportunity, new tricks, new salary 
lucky thing that my new office only few blocks away from my apartment.
few blocks away pun still kena drive nak ke office, lecun ketiak iols kalu jalan kaki, 



Dah berhempas pulas segala benda & I just started to adjust with my new life, new place & new job 
Now I gotta move to another continent leaving everything behind.
Here i am in Oman now 
Well, up to today i havent decide what i am going to do for the rest of the day here 
Many things run in my thought 
- Find a job la, start a business la bla bla bla 
but for this time being, i just want to sit back, relax & enjoy the ride 
and i'll have more time for Dota *lol* 

well, thats sum up of what happened in 5 months 
Fadd is coming home anytime soon, 
gotta ready for dinner :) 
till next update 

*shakira Sulong* 


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