
Showing posts from June, 2015

jaga hati

Hello readers... Its has been awhile since my last post. I have list of drafts waiting to be published, but i feel most of it way too provocative ... maybe the time is not right... or I maybe i just want to jaga hati  some people. Speaking of  jaga hati , I still remember years ago, when I told my parents that im going to marry a Chinese, they freak out & for some reasons they took me to see an ustaz ( honestly i still dont fully understand the reason until today- to soften my stubborn head , perhaps ). At that point of time, im expecting him to say "you are  a sinner, need to bertaubat  & bla bla bla...." but he whom never met me before , look me into the eyes and told me that I have a very soft heart & easily feel kesian for others. He told me that this could be my ultimate weakness & also can be my greatest strength.   Well being a softhearted person, im very vulnerable. From the outside, I portray a strong-dont-give-a-damn-kind-of-gir...


Life is the existence of an individual human being life is the prove that we are living in this world. being out of life means that you are dead ******** What life holds for you?? Once, I woke up with swollen eyes my head pinned to my pillow with throbbing pain unable to move my limbs and my heart arch so bad I was so devastated with life life has been so unfair to me I have giving up living I could not see the purpose of me living in this world anymore so, i took the most foolish act to get out of life i still remember that feeling I closed my eyes, the pain has gone, my head became so quiet and the only sound i heard was my own heartbeats, beating slowly calming but destructive and somehow i realize that i still need "life" life never reject me i was the one who did not understand life that day, life taught me the most important lesson : stay alive from that moment, I see life differently if you ask me what is life means for me , my answer...