hidden message??

hello readers .. 

Been busy with food & stuff.... now only bole update blog.... 
Im back to KL... yes yes, this year would be the shortest hari raya of all.... 
Ok, today's entry has nothing to do wih Hari Raya... So, relax OK...
but today's entry require some thinking... :) 

Yesterday, i watched Captain America (the winter solider) with a friend.
em, mesti korang duk pikir2 yang aku nak buat rebiu (review) movie... oh, anda salah !!

sebenarnye, kawan aku tu paksa aku tengok movie tu (-_-), so dalam paksa- rela aku tengok jugak... 
but hey, not bad at all ( forget the crappy drama part), sebenarnye movie ni  banyak "hidden message" yang terang jelas.... 

haaa... today's entry is about the hidden message... or some people call it the truth....
this friend of mine is a true reader.... & i love to call him weird geek.. haha
Ok, back to the movie. 

Captain America 2 is all about "dont trust people you trust"
haa... complicated je bunyi dia kan... well, kalu korang da tengok (those yg belom tengok, baik pegi tengok), korang mesti tau skit jalan cerita dia kan. briefly, dia pasal si Capt. America tu kena seek the truth kenape  Nick Fury (director SHIELD) kena bunuh... he find out that Alexander Pierce (Senior SHIELD and also Nick's friend) yang bunuh Nick. semua pun sebab Nick tau pasal Alexander's plan to wipe out (more than half) human population in the world by using satellite...only selected people will be killed, based on the algorithm yg diorg buat... basically, those yg xde kepentingan utk dunia ni, dia nak bunuh la... so alexender (actualy work for Hydra) try to be GOD. 
Hydra tu pebende pulak?? Hydra is hidden organisation yg try to control the world ni...
so, cliche-nye, Capt America kena la stop this stuff from hapening...  bla bla bla... world is safe 
thats little bit about the movie...(puas hati korang??)

 after the movie, we did some "discussion" about the world we living right now.
he told me that Captain America is a honest movie, telling us what is going on in this world. As much as you hate to believe this, world is control by few people... i mean, this few people (maybe hidden or walking in broad day light) have all the power & capable to destroy anything stand in their ways... 
only few people... with massive followers worldwide

just read some of the quotes from the movie below & think deeply about it...

  1. Nick Fury: Shield takes the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be.
  2. Captain America/Steve Rogers: This isn't freedom. This is fear! 
  3. Captain America/Steve Rogers: The price of freedom is high... and it's a price I'm willing to pay.
  4. Alexander Pierce: Captain, to build a better world sometimes means turning the old one down...and that makes enemies. 
  5. Alexander Pierce: Are you ready for the world to see you as you really are? Look out the window, you know how the game works: disorder, war, all it takes is one step.  
  6. Alexander Pierce: I would protect the life of seven billion people, at the cost of twenty million. It takes courage to do that.
  7. Alexander Pierce: If your daughter was dragged into a football stadium by terrorists and was about to be executed by terrorists, wouldn't you flip a switch to wipe out those terrorists? 

mesti korang cam "apebende ni??" 
ok, now, open your eyes.
look what happen in Gaza. Jews killing all the Palestinian like nobody business. kita pulak duk maki hamun hentak kaki marah kan jews. tapi rasa2 tanpa "helping hand" agak2 jews bole ke come out with senjata maha canggih tu semua?? mana dapat?? setahu aku xde la Jerusalem develop any weapon research lab pun. 
so fikir yang paling logik, zionis hanya boneka. They purposely guna perbalahan jews-islam yang da lama jadi as a main reason for this madness in Gaza. Their main agenda is to wipe of the "useless people - as they call it". 

Just think about it. 9/11 (WTC fall), mati2 dorg tuduh terrorist muslim. Kenapa Islam? 
kenape bukan buddha or hindu or jews or pro christian or whatever religion in this world?? 
sebab sebenarnya Islam sangat kuat. eh, agama lain x kuat ke?? bukan... sebab kalu kita kaji, 
semua pencapaian hari ni asal dari negara Islam. Agama kita menyuruh kita mencari ilmu... Islam, umatnye ada sifat curiosity yang tinggi...da memang tertulis dalam Al-Quran : Iqra (bacalah) 
Islam dahulu, semua orang membaca menambah ilmu... bandingkan dengan sekarang... berape kerat je kot.. especially kat malaysia ni ha... senang sangat, sumbat duit mulut terus diam
but things are different kat middle east. Diorg masih mahu membaca, mencari ilmu. diorg x tergadai dengan duit. 

"kuasa besar" takut dengan kebangkitan mereka. Dalam Quran pun kata "pabila dekat kiamat, umat islam akan bangkit dibawah pimpinan Imam Mahadi & Nabi Isa"
sekarang da bole relate kenape dorg nak attack umat islam?? kenapa nk serang Gaza?? kenape nak cop Islam agama terroris?? 
Sebab diorg TAKUT.
Diorg percaya apa yang dikatakan dalam Al-Quran & cuba sedaya upaya untuk elak their fear from happening. They are controlling the world's economy which is the easiest way to control the world

Masih nak pejam mata? 
still rasa xleh nak digest dalam otak?
masih nak fikir "wipe off human scheme" is a bullshit?? 

satu lagi contoh senang
kenape sekarang banyak sangat virus pelik2?? H1N1 la.. H2N14 la... seseme burung, seseme babi, seseme ayam,seseme lembu, seseme semut, seseme lipas -___-
macam2 disease pelik2 yang kadang2 beratus or even beribu mati dalam sekelip mata.
normally mana virus2 ni start? 
kat dunia ni, negara mana yang paling banyak polulasi penduduk?? 

do your own math ye kawan kawan +__+

oh satu lagi, agak2 sape yang cipta virus tu??? and agak2 sape pulak yang come out with the vaccine.? kenape vaccine?? kenape bukan medication utk cure?? 
kalu korang rajin buat search, I wont be surprised if they come with exact same source.  

mesti korang tertanya kenape "mereka" buat semua benda2 ni?? 
go back to Captain America's Quote. (said by Alexander )

 I would protect the life of seven billion people, at the cost of twenty million. It takes courage to do that.

  Captain, to build a better world sometimes means turning the old one down...and that makes enemies.  


yes they are building new world from "underground"
they are preparing the new world for their LEADER

ask yourself, korang rasa siapa leader yang ditunggu2 tu?? 
They are preparing for the arrival of Dajjal 
are we preparing ourselves for Imam Mahadi & Nabi Isa?? 

masih lemah aku rasa :(

we had such an intense discussion about stuff going on. 
he showed me plenty of shocking stuff which some aku da baca
sebenarnye dari dulu aku ada baca benda2 ni semua... but more as a knowledge je & hoping xde la jadi seteruk macam hari ini. 
& i believe things can be worst than this
kalu korang perasan, sekarang pun banyak je movie pasal world end, war la, super solider la... korang rasa kenape?? 
aku rasa its a hidden message to their "hidden followers" 
MH370 , MH17 
coincidence?? or planned ?? 

Buka mata, buka minda
Dunia kita sekarang bukan seperti yang kita bayangkan

 shakira sulong





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